office desk with notebook and plant

Customer Support Program

As your partner, we encourage you to take advantage of our subscription support program

What’s Included?

    • HRCI will provide oversight and management of two upgrades per year. Upgrade management includes requesting an upgrade sandbox, review of testing procedures prior to upgrade, and Go-Live review.

    • One upgrade training session per upgrade to review new features included in the upgrade.

    • Minor updates as requested for point release updates. Sandbox environments are NOT available for minor updates.

    • HRCI will provide instructions, procedure review, functional questions, and technical questions.

    • System Management

    • User and security management

    • Configuration changes

    • Business process review

    • Business procedure assessment

    • Initial Business process review as required

    • Initial Business procedure assessment as required

    • Project Management

    • Module Configuration

    • Training and development of master records.

    • Training and development how to process transactions

    • Review of Attributes where appropriate

    • Minor report adjustments that do NOT require additional tables to be included on the report.

    • Standard dashboards and widgets.

    • Minor adjustments to widgets that do not include additional tables to be included in the view used on the widget.

  • A monthly check-in call to make sure everything is running smoothly

    • Review of previous year

    • Proactive planning for new year

    • New line of business review

    • System optimization

    • Personnel changes

    • Other concerns

Scope of Services

Software Access

- Configure the software and review the license with the software with the manufacturer

System Implementation and Training

- Provide advice on the best manner of configuring the system, coding records and transactions so that overall processing needs are met

- Assist in the development of appropriate security procedures to ensure the integrity and safety of data

- Training on appropriate security procedures

- Training on modules marked in software module list in the software section

The following services do not fall within our contracted scope of services; however, they may be contracted for on a separate basis.

  • After hours, weekend, or holiday support.

  • Deployment or training of new modules not listed in the Included Implementation column above.

  • Creating or adding customizations. Customizations will be quoted separately if required.

  • Data migration

  • Data integration

  • Reconciliations of data or general ledger accounts.

  • Data entry or data correction.

  • Issues related to operating systems, browsers, configurations outside of Acumatica, and network related issues.

  • The set-up, formatting or printing of standard documents, reports, and financial statements.

  • Development of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts.

  • Development of customized reports or financial statements.

  • Development of customized system documentation, procedures, and operator checklists.

  • Data entry, data import, and/or data conversion services.

  • Valuation or counting of inventory.

  • Installation or configuration of hardware or software other than the applications specified in this agreement.

  • The set-up, formatting or printing of standard documents, reports, and financial statements other then as specified

  • Development of the general ledger chart of accounts

  • Development of customized reports or financial statements

  • Development of customized system documentation, procedures and operator checklists

  • Data entry, data import, and/or data conversion services

  • Valuation or counting of inventory

  • Training on any modules installed not included in your service contract

  • Installation of any hardware or software other than the applications specified in the service agreement

Interested in more information about our
Support Program?