Skip the ERP Buzz-Words [Guide 2]

Know the basics of ERP?

Last weeks blog post containing guide #1 (Benefits of the Cloud) should have given you a better idea about the basics of ERP research.

Nearly every ERP system on the market now also offers a Business Intelligence (BI) module to provide more flexibility and advanced data visualization (graphics).

Guide 2: Business Intelligence: More than a Dashboard

BI provides tools that can turn data into knowledge and insight. 

In this guide you'll learn about: 

  • ​Business Intelligence and how it works

  • Robust reporting found in business intelligence 

  • How to combine related data into meaningful metrics

  • How key data can be understood better by creating your own analysis

  • Enter your email to get your free guide!


This helpful guide is authored by Acumatica, the fastest growing cloud ERP. Acumatica has helped many mid-range companies take their business to the next level.  

If you have any questions or are interested in more information about Hudson River Computing or Acumatica, give us a call at  (518)452-9250 or email us at 


Skip the ERP Buzz-Words [Guide 3]


Skip the ERP Buzz-Words [Guide 1]