Acumatica Summit 2022 Day 1 Keynote

“Accelerate with boundless agility”

Monday January 24th - Day 1 of Acumatica Summit 2022. Joining together again in Las Vegas, Nevada - customers, partners, and the Acumatica team get together for a week of learning, networking, and having fun.

One of the most anticipated event of any Acumatica Summit are the Keynote presentations.

Day 1 Keynote overview:

  • An introduction to Acumatica ERP and the digital transformation journey with CEO, Jon Roskill

  • 2022 Customer of the Year award

  • How Acumatica is challenging the status quo

  • A message about being business agile with Chief Product Officer, Ali Jani

  • 3 new announcements

  • A message from the Chief Revenue Officer, Sanket Akerkar

“See tomorrow, today”

Acumatica has always had a clear mission and how they achieve it. Jon Roskill prefaced the Day 1 keynote by saying you would leave with the knowledge of their “why”, “how”, and “what”.

Many of the points in today’s presentation highlighted how digital transformation is not just a single point on a timeline - it’s a journey. A journey that Acumatica knows well and has helped thousands of customers achieve.

2022 Acumatica Customer of the Year - Green Bay Packaging

Before finding Acumatica, Green Bay Packaging stated their only ERP requirements were that the solution was easy to use and easy to integrate. Acumatica fulfilled both of these needs for them.

One of the factors that lead to Green Bay Packaging being customer of the year is that Acumatica ERP allowed them to be more agile and work more efficiently across the many facets of their business.

Before leaving the stage, Green Bay Packaging emphasized the importance of working with a knowledgeable VAR. They exemplified how the expertise of their VAR not only helped them with Acumatica but also with running their business in the best way possible.

Challenging the status quo

acumatica challenge status quo

Jon Roskill returns to the stage to talk about how Acumatica continues to be a strong ERP competitor by challenging the status quo by -

  • always improving

  • pushing and innovating

  • empowering with agility

A message from Chief Product Officer, Ali Jani

You gain business agility by having technology for everyone. One of Acumatica’s strong qualities is the highly flexible environments. These personalization’s can be created within Acumatica using low-code/no-code technology. Jani emphasizes that EVERY user has the tools they need.

Next, Jani introduces the idea of the Combinatorial Effect. The more modern technology that is combined, the more the user experience will be maximized. Acumatica is aiming to work closely with a ton of emerging technology.

A small list of emerging technology that increases user experiences are:

  • AI

  • Robotics

  • RFID

  • Machine Learning

  • ERP

acumatica summit 2022 combinatorial effect

Ali Jani wraps up his section by showing all the ways that the customers are the driving force behind any moves that Acumatica makes. Through the use of:

  • Customer portal

  • Customer visits

  • Customer advisory groups

  • and a variety of other inputs

Acumatica listens to their customers!

3 Announcements from the CEO

  1. Available immediately, the new Property Management Module through Imperium.

  2. The Acumatica Document Cloud, built with Adobe Document API’s

  3. New embedded model viewer within Acumatica from Autodesk

A word from the new CRO

Recently joining the team, Sanket Akerkar focused on how Acumatica meets customer needs. With an ecosystem of ISV’s, VAR’s, OEM’s, and Developers working together - all of your unique business processes can work together in one solution.

With the Day 1 keynote wrapping up quickly, we are excited to hear the announcements during Day 2. Stay tuned for our recap from the Day 2 keynote.


Acumatica Summit 2022 Day 2 Keynote


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