Acumatica Summit 2021 Day 1 Keynote Highlights

The unexpected events of the past year delayed Acumatica’s annual Summit but today Acumatica CEO Jon Roskill finally took the stage to reflect on past achievements and future goals of the company. The day 1 keynote featured key statistics, new functionality, and Acumatica’s future ambitions.

In case you missed it, below are highlights from the July 19th 2021 keynote.

Acumatica Key Statistics of 2020

  • 99.996% Uptime

  • 4.8 Billion transactions

  • 0 security and ransomware incidents

  • More than 350 Silver and Gold certified VAR’s

  • More than 240 ISV solutions

Acumatica ISV ecosystem

Even though many organizations faced adversity in 2020, there are some that can say they adapted and even thrived in the face of adversity - Acumatica and Acumatica users.

Digital Resilience: Capitalize and Thrive

The overarching theme of this keynote was the Acumatica community. This community is built to help you capitalize and thrive through digital transformation. Acumatica understands that digital transformation is not just a destination, it’s a JOURNEY.

Acumatica digital transformation roadmap summit 2021
  • The digital transformation path is not one size fits all. Each journey contains paths that are unique to your organization

  • Acumatica is designed to align these paths, allowing you to capitalize and thrive

78% of Acumatica’s sales are through industry editions.

  • Distribution edition

  • Manufacturing edition

  • Construction edition

  • Retail Commerce edition

New Functionality

Thanks to Acumatica’s open API’s…

  • Microsoft Teams is now integrated with Acumatica. In the system, an icon is added next to a contact’s name that will indicate whether they are currently online and will allow you to click to send a message, start a call, or schedule a meeting.

  • You can now edit and annotate PDF’s with the new Adobe integration

The Future of Acumatica

Take comfort in knowing Acumatica has built a future-proof platform and is the fastest growing ERP globally.

Acumatica future-proof erp platform

Acumatica is officially a Climate Neutral Certified company and has goals of continuing toward more environmentally friendly practices.

  • To read more about this on the Acumatica Blog, Click Here

Over 8,000 customers - are you next?

Not only do more than 8,000 customers count on Acumatica to run their business, but they are 8,000 very happy customers. Acumatica ranks ahead of the competition again in the latest G2 Customer Satisfaction grid.

Acumatica G2 customer satisfaction 2021

The Day 1 keynote showcased how much Acumatica has grown since the previous Summit and highlighted the reasons why they are ahead of the competition.

We are excited to see what the day 2 keynote has in store.

“Bet your business on Acumatica” - Acumatica CEO, Jon Roskill


Acumatica Summit 2021 Day 2 Keynote Highlights


Virtual Lunch and Learn 6.9.2021